
final concept

 I was ill the day we got sorted into groups (I'm sorry to the girl I was originally paired with) so took inspiration from others and merged two of mine together.  this is the shell bell!



final paper craft

This project had 546 pieces, 104 pieces of card, all hand cut and glue.


 I lost my job again so I went a little overboard for this project. I designed a polaroid, a plane, a cat tower and a full-on house. Hill House (from Haunting of Hill House on Netflix)  If you've not seen it, YOU SHOULD!

PaperCarft Research

Out of the list that was given, non of the artists really stood out. So I began to research. Orginally, I wanted to look into architectural papercraft as I've seen how some architects create building models in the past. When searching for this, I came across an art studio called  JUDITH+ROLFE.  Daphne Lee, a Chinese Singapore-born artist works in Virginia USA. She specialises in more organic nature themes, focusing on light and shadow as well as architecture. She has a bachelor's degree in architecture which she worked as an architect for a decade in New York before turning to paper art in 2016. She likes to mess with perspective, having her work change depending on how one views. Examples of her work: What do you get when you take architectural design expertise and bring it into the world of paper art?  Beautiful, intricate three-dimensional creations. This quote stood out to me. Lee creates these beautiful tiny details which I would love to try capture in this project. She c

Milestone project one

 To complete this project, I was at a loss for which one to choose to render. After messing around with a few, I come up with the idea to merge two ideas.   I first took the hair dryer and water idea and loaded it up in Rhino. Then I changed the water to a dark red colour and added a metallic material so I had a hair dryer running blood out the end. after, I brought in my plant brain and messed around with the materials. I then positioned the hairdryer as if it was watering the brain.  To finish off the render, I added a floor and walls and then added some lighting. Here it is!

Mesh MashUp

 This week I spent time scrolling Thingverse's main pages. I found little to no inspiration so I took to my sketchbook and pencil to create some ideas.  My first idea came from the show I was watching at the time, The Last of Us. A year late I know, however this was the first chance I could watch it legally. The Uk doesn't have it! So here is plant brain Next, I had the idea to replace a fire with something (I watched Howl's Moving Castle whilst I was modelling, a Calcifer-inspired design.). The only thing I needed was a fire source. So why not create a portable little buddy? Here is my ghost lighter Next I took inspiration from my hobby of sewing. Kind of sewing the world together Being from the UK, one of the main modes of transport is the train. You can almost get to every city, town or village by train. Moving here with only really the ctrain in the city, it feels restricting that between city train travel doesn't exist. Taking a train as a base for a concept, I nee